Dear Introvert,
If you want to start being SEEN and HEARD more by reaching millions of people...
while building and connecting with a relevant audience that's been waiting for you to knock down your door...
Then THIS 4-part video series is exactly what you need to not only get started but jump on the fast track to changing your life.
Here's how:
I'm Vicki O'Neill, a once-shy, still introvert who use to struggle with showing up on camera. It felt awkward, I didn't like looking at myself and don't even get me started on listening to my voice (is that what I REALLY sound like?!)
So I created my first video against my mind's will and with every. ounce. of. energy.
I remember the feeling before creating the video (think: anxiety, frustration, fear...) and the feeling AFTER creating the video: relieved, happy, amazed.
That was in 2011. After creating a video here and there for years, fast forward to 2019 when I gave myself a 30-day video challenge on LinkedIn. It was after that 30 day challenge that I realized how important it was to show up on video, with a plan, and to make the process super simple.
This 4-part video series - with a BONUS video to "Overcome Camera Anxiety" will take you and your personal brand to the next level.